About Jonathan:

In his twenties, Jonathan Hyland struggled with anxiety. As he looked for help, he came across Carl Jung’s autobiography Memories, Dreams and Reflection. This life-changing moment inspired him to work toward and achieve his doctorate in depth psychology at Pacifica University in Santa Barbara, California.

Depth psychology, the study of our unconscious lives, became the foundation for Dr. Hyland’s uniquely personal method of dream work, helping him to transform his anxiety into guidance and healing. It is now his great joy to facilitate this growth in the lives of others.

This approach, known as Archetypal Dreamwork, has evolved to support physically embodied intelligence, or a deeper wisdom about the unfolding events in our lives. More than dream interpretation, the method puts the instruction of the dreams in the hands of the dreamer (you) to make conscious decisions about the direction and fulfillment of your precious life.